Your Media CTO

Engineering to supercharge your Media

We create bespoke technological solutions within your Media ecosystem to drive your long-term growth.

to the age of AI media

Do you find yourself spending millions on ad media while your technical foundations are flawed? In this era of AI-powered ad media, your technological base is key to your success. There is no more room for makeshift attempts; it’s burn bright or not at all.

CODE40 removes the technical obstacles and empowers your marketing department to unlock the full potential of media activations to help your company reach its strategic objectives.

Do you embrace bold action and are not afraid to disrupt the status quo? You’ve come to the right place. Fasten your seat belts, and let’s ride!

Our expertise

Do you face a technical problem that dampens the effectiveness of your media campaigns and holds you back from turning one of your company’s top spends into a true driver of growth? Allow us to build you a smart solution, in close collaboration with your technical team and in respect of your processes and technological choices. Simplicity and pragmatism for maximum impact is our motto.

MarTech & AdTech

MarTech & AdTech

Page ranks, metrics, product catalogs, lifetime value, margin-based optimization, server-to-server, CAPI, scoring, etc. We are pioneers in these areas, and are eager to leverage them to boost your performance not temporarily but structurally.



Do you have time-consuming and expensive processes? Do you have inefficient “weak links” in your chain? We look forward to creatively automating these so you can focus on your core drivers of growth.



Are you wanting to do something new but find it difficult or impossible to move forward for technical reasons? We will build a solution, side-by-side with your team and respecting your technical choices, to make your change a success.

Our values

Continuous learning

The best want to work with the best; no one on our team is here by chance! We are passionate about our mission and take pleasure in continuously pushing ourselves to the next level to meet the challenges presented by the high standards of our clients.

Excellence at every step

We are committed to creating simple and inventive solutions, in both substance and style, that our clients and ourselves can be proud of. From design to development, to support and training, we believe in excellence at every step.

No bullshit

You are not hiring us to make pretty Powerpoints, but to build solid technological solutions. We only take on a project if we are convinced of its positive impact on your business.

Our team


Everyone on our team, from researchers to computer engineers to self-taught business-minded system architects, has the technical chops to CODE. It’s a powerful combination that allows us to tackle each new challenge with both creativity and smarts, and quickly create maximum impact for our clients.


With an average age of 40, our team has had the opportunity to take on a wide range of challenges and have lived through all the latest technological revolutions. We are inspired to share our cumulative experience with you, to help you make the right choices so you can move forward with confidence.

Denis Vaillant

Denis Vaillant


 Over the past 20 years I have encountered many companies held back from reaching their goals due to technical roadblocks, creating frustrations and inefficiencies. I decided to launch CODE40 to help them succeed in their mission, to once more put the marketing department front and center, and empower companies to move forward. 

Guillaume Conte

Guillaume Conte


 Advice may be golden, but at some point you have to stop talking and do the work! Technical departments don’t have the human resources to dive deeply into understanding media, and yet, the issues at stake for companies are enormous. Placing our expertise in the hands of your technical teams is a genuine advantage and can be a formidable driver of growth. 

Got challenges?
Lets talk

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